These are NOT in my yard. They're in the Asian sculpture garden at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California.
At first I saw poof of stuff and thought it might be a nest for some sort of bugs, or that it was a tree parasite. But looking at others, it's the opened pod of seeds, it seems. And the trunks of some of them had bumps, and some bumps were like thorns, but some had a hole (like a boil that had been popped) and some parts were smoother, and some trees had more bumps.
I had never seen anything like any of it.
The blossoms reminded me a bit of the
redbud tree people identified for me last year.
Most blew up round and fluffy, but this one looked like fingers, or teats on an udder.
Karen James and Zann Carter both knew, or found it.
Thanks, Karen and Zann! That's it. Google said (on the side bar of a search)
Ceiba speciosa
The silk floss tree, is a species of deciduous tree native to the tropical and subtropical forests of South America. It has a host of local common names, such as palo borracho. It belongs to the same family as the baobab and the kapok.
Scientific name: Ceiba speciosa
Higher classification: Ceiba
Rank: Species